符宏斌1,2, 马德胜2, 吴滔2, 曾禹人2, 郭海2, 樊洪富2

Organic Matter Characteristics of Source Rocks in Upper Jurassic Bailongbinghe Formation of the Guangmingco Area in North Qiangtang Basin, Tibet
FU Hong-bin1,2, MA De-sheng2, WU Tao2, ZENG Yu-ren2, GUO Hai2, FAN Hong-fu2
研究区地层、构造区划图 I. 若拉岗日地层分区; II. 北羌塘地层分区; III. 南羌塘地层分区; IV. 东巧-改则地层分区; PM1. 采样剖面; D351. 采样点